
2007-03-17 16:03 阅读(?)评论(0)


A:let's hit the road.
B:Good idea.
   Just give me a minute.
   Okay.I'm ready.

A:Let's get moving.
B:Yes,it's time to go.
   Lead the way.
   I am right behind you.

A:Let's hustle out of here.
B:What's the rush?
   Take it easy.
   There's no hurry.

A:Do you like to walk?
B:Sure,I love to walk.
   I often walk.
   It's the best way to get round.


A:Do you mind walking?
B:Not at all.
   A walk sounds nice.
   I think I'd enjoy that.

A: We'll see more on foot. 
B: I agree.
    It'll give us a chance to look around,
    and there's a lot of to see in this neighborhood.

A: I'm a big walker.
B: So am I .
    I really enjoy it.
    I can't get enough of it.

A: I walk to stay in shape.
B: Me too.
    It's a great exercise.
    It really keeps me fit.


A: Oops!
B: What happened?
    What's wrong?
    Are you ok?

A: Hold it a second.
B: What's up?
    Did you forget something?
    Take  your time.

A: I almost forgot.
B: What?
    Is It something important?
    Can I help you?

A: I'm short of cash.
B: Don't worry,I've got money.
    I could lend you some.
    How much do you need ?



A: I need some bucks.
B:Sorry.But I'am bit short myself.
    I wish I could help you out.
    There must be another way.
A:I need to hit an ATM.
B: That's a good idea.
    There's once across the street.
    How convenient.

A: You can join me.
B: Thanks I'll do that.
    I'll keep you company.
    It won't take a long.

A: You can wait here.
B: All right.
    Take your time.
    I'll be fine.

A:thanks for waiting
B:don't worry about it。
    I didn't mind。
    you weren't that long 。


A:Thanks for waiting.
B: Don't worry about it.
    I didn't mind.
    You weren't that long.

A:Sorry about that。
B:That's all right。
    It's not problem。
    Don't be sorry 。

A:Sorry i took so long。
B:It wasn't your fault。
    It couldn't be helped。
    Besides i didn't mind。
A:The line was long。
B:It's busy today。
    A lot of people had same idea。
    That's always the way when you're in a hurry。



A:It was slower than slow.
B  You must have been bored.
    I know it's hard to wait.
    You must have a lot of patience.

A: It was the line from hell.
B: It wasn't that bad.
    I've seen worse.
    Just be glad it's over.

A: I almost lost it.
B: I'm not surprised.
    I would have,too.
    I hate to wait.

A: I almost blew a fuse.
B: Good thing you didn't.
    It's not used getting angry.
    Try to relax.



A: How about this weather?
B: I can't believe it,either.
    It's wonderful.
    I love it.

A: We really lucked out.
B: We sure did.
    This is lucky break.
    We couldn't ask for better.

A: What a beautiful day!
B: I agree.
    It's gorgeous.
    We couldn't ask for more.

A: It's not too hot. 
B: No,it's not.
    I'm glad heat it's gone.
    The temperature is perfect.

A: It's not too cold.
B: Sring is finally here.
    The weather is perfect.
    We should enjoy it while it lasts.

A: It's just right.
B: It's perfect.
    It's my kind of weather.
    I love a day like this.

A: I hope it holds up.
B: So do I.
    Think positive.
    I am sure it will.

A: Let's cross our fingers.
B: I already have.
    I hope it works.
    Let's hope for the best.

A: We need to cross.
B: That's right.
    It's on the other side.
    We can cross over there.
A: Let cross the street.
B: I'm with you.
    Let's go for it.
    After you.

A: Let's get to the other side.
B: Where shall we cross.
    We need a crosswalk.
    We can cross here.

A: Heads up.
B: I'm looking.
    I'll be careful.
    Don't worry.


A: Look both ways.
B: That's good advice.
    I will.
    Here comes a break in traffic.

A: Look before you cross.
B: Let's wait for this car.
    The coast is clear.
    Let's go.

A: The traffic is dangerous.
B: People drive faster here.
    We have to watch out.
    Let's  be careful.

A: It's like a jungle out there.
B: It sure is.
    We need to watch our step.
    We have to stay on our toes.

A: Don't jaywalk. 
B: I never do.
    That's a dangerous habit.
    I wouldn't think of trying it.

A: Don't go against the light.
B: Don't worry.I 'll wait.
    I'll wait for it to change.
    It's safer that way.

A: You'll get hit by a car.
B: I wouldn't want that.
    That would be terrible.
    I'll be careful.

A: Wait on the curb.
B: I always do.
    It's the safest place.
    It's not smart to take chances.


A: Wait for the green. 
B: I can wait.
    There's no rush.
    It's not worth taking a risk.

A: Always use the crosswalk.
B: I do.
    It's the safest option.
    And it's the law.

A: Be alert.
B: I'll watch out.
    I'll keep an eye out.
    I'll pay attention.

A: Be careful.
B: Thanks,I will.
    I'll be cautious.
    You take care,too.


A: Here's a favorite park.
B: It certainly looks popular.
    No wonder.It's beautiful.
    I like it already.  

A: It's a popular spot.
B: I can see that.
    It must be a great place.
    What do people come here for?

A: It's a super place to unwind.
B: It looks very relaxing.
    Peace and quiet is important.
    It's good to have a place to relax.

A: This park is alive.
B: It certainly looks lively.
    What do people do here?
    What's all the excitement about?


A: It's full of energy.
B: It's got a great atmosphere.
    It's certainly not dull.
    I like a vibrant place.

A: It's the place to be.
B: It's the best place to hang out.
    The whole world comes here.
    Let's enjoy in.    

A: You can see families enjoying themselves.
B: Lots of people bring their kids here.
    It's a wholesome place.
    It's a good place for the whole family.

A: You can see people exercising.
B: They're certainly dedicated.
    It's a good way to keep fit.
    That's what we ought to do.

A: Here's a great market. 
B: I like this place.
    It's really big.
    It looks so alive.

A: It's pretty famous. 
B: I've heard of it.
    It's got a great name.
    Everyone knows it.

A: It's noted for its bargains.
B: Great.I love a good bargain.
    I can't pass one up.
    Let's go find some good deals.

A: You should haggle.
B: I'll try.
    Can you show me how?
    I'll follow your lead.

A: You should negotiate.
B: I'll offer a lower price.
    I'm willing to compromise.
    I'm sure we can reach an agreement.

A: You must talk the price down.
B: Everything is negotiable.
    Nothing is fixed.
    That's the way to get a deal.

A: The sellers are pros.
B: They bargain well.
    They have lots of experience.
    They know what they are doing.

A: They'll steal you blind.
B: I'll be careful.
     I don't want to pay too much.
     I don't want to get cheated.


A: This store is number one.
B: It's the biggest and the best.
    I love shopping here .
    It's a great place .

A: It's the top place to shop.
B: There's some great stuff here.
    Another stores are second rate.
    Let's get start.

A: It's the hottest store in town.
B: No wonder ,it's so  crowded.
    It's much have a great merchandise.
    I can't wait to have a look.

A: They have the best stuff .
B: I am looking for the best .
    Qualities is important .
    I want to sent for less

A: They have the top brands.
B: I only want the best.
    Designer goods are worth the price.
    That's why they are in fashion.

A: There's always a sale going go.
B: The prices are really low.
    I can't believe how cheap it all is.
    How can they afford to stay in business ?

A: This store is unbelievable.
B: I've never seen better.
    I love it.
    I could love here.

A: They've got everything you need.
B: And more.
    It's one stop shopping.
    I've got everying on my list.

A: Let's hang out
B: Why not ?
    There is no place we have to be.
    We have time to stare
A: Let's stick around.
B: Good idea!
    Tt's comfortble here.
    Something interesting might happen.

A: Let's stay here for a while.
B: From with me .
    It's a good place .
    There is no place I'd rather be.

A: We can ralax.
B: That's a good idea.
    I like that.
    There is relaxing place.


A: We can chill out.
B: I could use a rest.
    Let's just take it easy.
    There no sense in rushing.

A: We can mellow out.
B: You're right.
    We should enjoyed ourself.
    Let's enjoy a moment.

A: Take a load off.
B: That sounds great.
    Don't mind if I do.
    What a nice spot!

A: Take a little rest. 
B: Thanks.I need one.
    A break will do us good.
    We certainly deserve one.



A: This city is dynamic.
B: It's a fast-paced.
    I like the atmosphere.
    I like the hustle and bustle.

A: It's a mix of East and West.
B: It's an interesting comabination.
    I like the diversity.
    You can find anything here.

A: It's a combination of old and new.
B: I appreciate the old.
    I'm fascinated by the new.
    It's perfect combination.

A: This city never sleeps.
B: It's perfect for night owls.
    There is always something to do.
    It's my kind of place.

A: It's a 24/7 city. 
B: It never close.
    That's really convenient.
    It suits me.

A: It's always on the go.
B: We'll never be bored.
    There's a lot to do.
    I hope I can keep up.

A: This city has it all.
B: That's what I want.
    I can't wait to explore.
    Let's get out there and say it.

A: To see it is to like it.
B: I like it already.
    I can't wait to see it.
    When do we start?

A: You're a fun person.
B: Thanks.That's nice of you to say.
     I like to enjoy myself.
     I hope you enjoyed yourself,too.

A: You're great to be with.
B: That's nice to hear.
    Thanks for the complement.
     I enjoy your company,too.

A: I like being around you.
B: I like hanging out with you,too.
    I like hanging you around.
    We're well matched.

A: You're easygoing.
B: I believe in taking it easy.
    I like a carefree life.
    There's no use in worrying.

A: You're easy to please.
B: I enjoy most thing.
    I don't ask for much.
    I'm happy with what I have.

A: You have a nice personality.
B: You're too kind.
    I just enjoy being with people.
    They make me happy.

A: I like your spirit.
B: I like yours,too.
    Attitude is important.
    A positive outlook helps.

A: You're full of life. 
B: I just try to think positive.
    I believe anything is possible.
    It's the secret to success.

  最后修改于 2007-03-26 15:15    阅读(?)评论(0)
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