
2007-03-16 20:42 阅读(?)评论(0)



第六册 第一课
A: Thank God it's Friday.
B: You got that right.
   Fridays are the best.
   Everybody loves Friday night.
A: The weekend is here.
B: What a relief!
   We made it to the weekend.
   Happy days are here again!
A: We made it through the week.
B: Praise the Lord!
   We should celebrate!
   We survived another week!
A: I'm psyched.
B: You look psyched.
   You look excited.
   What's the special occasion?
A: I'm very excited.
B: I'm excited, too.
   I know how you feel.
   The excitement is driving me crazy.
A: I'm all fired up.
B: I can see that.
   You're climbing the walls!
   It's written all over your face!
A: Let's get away.
B: That's a fantastic idea.
   We need some adventure.
   We deserve to have some fun.
A: Let's do something special.
B: I totally agree.
   I feel the same way.         
   Let's do something we'll remember forever.
第六册 第二课
A: I'm with you.
B: Good choice.
   You made the right decision.
   You can't go wrong with me.
A: You're absolutely right.
B: I'm glad you think so.
   I was hoping you would say that.
   Now we see eye to eye.
A: That's for sure.
B: I disagree.
   I'm not sure about that.
   That is still up in the air.
A: That's the truth.
B: That's what I thought.
   Thanks for telling me.
   Thanks for being honest.
A: That's how I feel.
B: I know how you feel.
   I respect your feelings.
   I used to feel that way, too.
A: I feel the same way.
B: I'm glad you told me.
   That's a relief.
   I was hoping you'd feel that way.
A: I couldn't agree more.
B: What a relief.
   I'm glad you agree.
   I'm glad I have your support.
A: You're right on the money. 
B: I hope I'm right.
   This is very important. 
   This means a lot to me.
第六册 第三课
A: what can we do?
B: I’m not sure.
   I don’t know.
   Let me think about it.
A: Where should we go?
B: Let’s go downtown.
   Let’s go to the mall.
   Let’s go to a coffee shop.
A: Where’s a great place?
B: The beach is a good place.
   The park is not bad. 
   The university campus is a nice place to walk.
A: Any ideas?
B: I’m sorry.
   I’m all out of ideas.
   I can’t think of anything.
A: Any suggestions?
B: Yes, I have one.
   I have a suggestion.
   I suggest we get out of here.
A: Any place is fine with me.
B: You’re easy to please.
   You’re very polite.
   I like that about you.
A: Let’s go to the ocean.
B: Good idea.
   I love the ocean.
   That’s a super place to go.
A: Let’s hit the beach.
B: That’s OK with me.
   I’m game for anything.
   That’s an offer I can’t refuse.
第六册 第四课
A: Let's go hiking.
B: Sounds good to me.
   I need some exercise.
   I love to get outdoors.
A: Let's head for the hills.
B: That's a nice idea.
   It's cooler there.
   The air is fresh and clean.
A: Let's leave the city behind.
B: I'm with you.
   Let's hit the road.
   Let's leave this place behind.                   
A: I can't wait to go.
B: Neither can I.
   I'm tired of this place.
   I need to get away.
A: I can smell the fresh air already.
B: I know what you mean.
   I feel the same way.
   I can't wait to get there.
A: There's nothing like Mother Nature.
B: I totally agree.
   The outdoors is great.
   I love camping and hiking.
A: Rain or shine, we're going.
B: That's the spirit.
   We're going for sure.
   We're going no matter what.
A: Nothing can stop us.
B: That's right.
   Nothing will stop us.         
   Nothing can stand in our way.
第六册 第五课
A: Let's get ready.
B: OK. I agree.
   That's a good idea.
A: Let's make a plan.
B: We should.
   We should make a plan.
   It's time to make a plan.
A: It's better to be prepared.
B: That's the truth.
   You are so right.
   Always be perpared.
A: We need supplies.
B: Yes, we do.
   We're running low.
   We're low on supplies.
A: We need some stuff.
B: We sure do.
   We don't have a thing.
   We need to buy a lot.
A: Just keep it simple.
B: That's good advice.
   That's sound advice.
   I won't argue with that.
A: Just stick to the basics.
B: You're right.
   That's the way.
   Always stick to the basics.
A: Don't buy anything fancy.
B: Don't worry about me.
   I'm very frugal.
   I won't waste a cent.
第六册 第六课
A: Please get in.
B: You first.
   You go first.
   You get in first.
A: Sit up front.
B: How thoughtful of you.
   Thanks so much.
   I appreciate it.
A: Feel free to adjust the seat.
B: How? How do I do it?
   I don't know how.
A: Buckle up.
B: I was just about to do it.   
   I always do it.
   I always play it safe.
A: Fasten your seat belt.
B: I will for sure.
   I didn't forget.
   I know that's the law.
A: We don't want a ticket!
B: No, we don't.
   We can't afford it.
   Traffic tickets are expensive.
A: You can relax.
B: I am relaxed.
   I'm already relaxed.
   I'm not nervous at all.
A: I'm a safe driver.
B: I know you are.
   I know you're safe.
   I trust you with my life.
第六册 第七课
A: We need gas.
B: You're right.
   We're low on gas.
   We need some gas.
A: We're on empty.
B: Oh, my God!
   We're on E.  
   We're in trouble now!
A: We're running out of gas.
B: I know that.
   I'm looking for a station.
   We need to find one fast.
A: It's time to fill up.
B: Not yet.
   We still have gas.
   We have half a tank.
A: It's now or never.    
B: I agree.
   We have to act now.
   We must do something now.
A: We can't get stuck here.
B: Absolutely not.
   That would be awful.
   That would really be bad.
A: There's a station up ahead.
B: Thank Gad.
   We need one so bad.
   We need a gas station now.
A: They have both full and self-service.
B: That's great.
   We have a choice.
   Which one do you prefer?
第六册 第八课
A: Hi!
B: Hello.
   How's it going?
   How are you today?
A: Twenty bucks, please.
B: OK.
   Sure thing.
   You got it.
A: Check the tires.
B: My pleasure
   I'll do it now.
   I'll check them right now.
A: Check the engine. 
B: I can't.
   It's locked.
   Please unlock the hood.
A: I think I'm low on oil.
B: Let me check it.
   You might be right.
   You could be low on oil.
A: How does it look?
B: It looks low.
   It's very low.
   You need oil badly.
A: What's the total?
B: The gas is twenty.    
   The oil is two ninety nine.
   That's twenty three fifty with tax.
A: Thanks for the great service.
B: You're more than welcome.
   It's been a pleasure.
   It's a pleasure serving you.
第六册 第九课
A: Hurry up!
B: I'm trying.
   I'm trying to hurry.
   I'm doing my best.
A: Move faster.
B: Take it easy.
   Relax a little.
   What's the rush?
A: Pick it up.
B: Slow down.
   We're not in a hurry.
   We have lots of time.
A: Keep up.
B: I'm doing OK.
   I'm right behind you.
   I'm keeping up.
A: Don't slow down.
B: I won't.
   I promise.
   I'll keep up the pace.
A: Don't fall behind.   B: I'm sorry.
   I can't help it.
   I'm going as fast as I can.
A: Keep pace with me.
B: That's not easy.
   You're in good shape.
   I'll try to keep up.
A: We can walk and talk.
B: I like that idea.
   I hope we do it.
   Slow down and talk with me.
第六册 第十课
A: You can do it.
B: I hope I can.
   I really want to do it.
   I'll keep trying till I do it.
A: You have what it takes.
B: I hope I do.
   I'm willing to try.
   I'm willing to work very hard.
A: I believe in you.
B: Thank you for your support.
   You are a loyal friend.
   You help me out a lot.
A: Hang tough.
B: I'll try.
   I'll hang in there.
   I promise not to quit.
A: Hang in there.
B: You, too.
   Don't quit.
   Stick it out.
A: Just keep trying.
B: I will.
   I always do.
   I don't give up easily.
A: Go all the way.
B: I plan to.
   I'll keep going till the end.
   I'll go all he way.
A: Go for the gold.
B: I will.
   That's what I want.
   I'm giving 100 percent.
第六册 第十一课
A: Wow!
B: Are you OK?
   What's the matter?
   What's going on?
A: What a view!
B: I totally agree.       
   This view is remarkable.
   It's out of this world.
A: It's really awesome!
B: It's more than that.    
   It's one of a kind.
   It's special in every way.
A: I'm inspired.
B: I'm glad to hear that.
   That's why we're here.     
   I'm inspired, too.
A: I'm so glad I'm here.
B: Me, too.
   We are blessed.
   This is a wonderful experience.
A: I'll remember this forever.
B: I'm with you.
   I'll never forget this.
   This will stay with me forever.
A: What an amazing sight!
B: It sure is.
   It's so beautiful.
   I want to take some pictures.
A: What a special moment!
B: It really is.
   I'm truly grateful.
   I'm thankful I can experience this.
第六册 第十二课
A: Good night.
B: You, too. You have a good night.
    I hope you sleep well. 
A: Sleep well.
B: I will,thanks.
   I'm exhausted.
   I'll sleep like a baby.
A: Sweet dreams.
B: The same to you.
   I wish you sweet dreams.
   Have a wonderful sleep. 
A: Get some rest.
B: Thank you, I will.
   I'm dead tired.
   I'll be asleep very soon.
A: Have a good sleep.
B: You sleep well, too.
   Have a great night.
   I'll see you in the morning.
A: Tomorrow is a big day.
B: You are right.
   Tomorrow is very important.
   Tomorrow is a busy day.
A: See you in the morning.
B: I hope so.
   I'll be looking for you.
   Let's get together for sure.
A: See you bright and early.
B: Yeah, I'll see you.
   The earlier, the better.
   Early morning is the best time.
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